Community / support / 2FA and E2E encryption differences
4/2/2024 7:30 PM
all we need is 2 step auth method also End to End Decryption function ,additionally didn't your E2E decrypt same as E to E?which appears on pic
4/2/2024 8:19 PM
You need to setup 2FA on your provider's account:
since we're not providing storage just yet, but the account that you register with S3Drive uses solely for licensing purposes. Having said that, 2FA is being planned and it seems you've already voted on it:
Implement 2FA | Feature Requests | S3Drive
S3 bucket setup - S3Drive
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
8:19 PM
E2E it's entirely different thing to 2FA. Please find more about your files privacy:
S3Drive - Zero Knowledge E2E Encrypted Storage
Easily transform any S3, WebDAV or Rclone compatible back-end into your personal encrypted file storage. Drive mount, Sync, Backup, File Versioning, Search. Preview different file formats (pdf, markdown, txt, audio, video)
changed the channel name:
2FA and E2E encryption differences
4/2/2024 8:47 PM
4/3/2024 7:02 PM
I mean did End to End encryption = E2E encryption ?same thing?
4/3/2024 8:11 PM
Yes, that's the same thing.
4/3/2024 10:25 PM
Ok thank u
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